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By 14:11

I am not vegan and I am  more vegetarian for a few years (ouhh the return of Article controversy), but I take a lot of vegan and vegetarian meals.
Plant proteins are easily absorbed by the body and avoid some inconvenience associated with excessive consumption of animal products (digestion time, fermentation, cholesterol, acidity ...)
Among my favorite vegetable proteins:

1. Quinoa: 13 g protein per 100 g

Very high in protein, quinoa is an alternative to rice & pasta. It can be used in basic salad or breakfast as porridge with coconut milk.

2. Lenses: 8.3 g protein per 100 g

You can buy them in bulk, soak and cook or just buy them already prepared in a glass jar. Insalad, side dish or mixed with cereals, they are very versatile & delicious!
Quick tip: If you digest the bad, soak yourself or so of rinse lenses jar before eating!

3. The beans 8.6 g protein per 100 g

I love black beans, red & white. They married with everything, and there are a million ways to eat them. In frijoles  like the photo, but also burger  or as a pastry as in Japan!

4. Spirulina: 65 g protein per 100 g

I have already spoken  but I love Spirulina as a vegetable protein source. I used powder & I put in my smoothies & muesli but it also works in salad dressings!

  5. hemp seed 50 g protein per 100 g

Very high in protein, I use them when I make hummus, or in flour for  cookies! This is a super simple way to add protein to your meal!

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