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By 13:56

I have already spoken several times of the benefits of fasting  on the blog, and the one I practice most often is intermittent fasting, ie that I alternate periods when I eat with those where I do not eat ( until then, it makes sense, I hope you are following).
By sharing by email with Rémi who has just released a comprehensive guide  on the subject, I am made ​​to realize that this issue could involve more than one (e).

Why practice intermittent fasting?

  • Regulate my energy and my digestion
  • Avoid cravings
  • Improve my mood
  • Put my body to rest
  • Optimize the results of my training by improving my insulin sensitivity & by increasing the production of growth hormones
  • Least think about what I eat
In summary, during periods of fasting, the body once it has exhausted its glucose reserves, and will draw energy in fat cells (this is also why I workout at fasting).
Fasting can help you lose weight but more importantly, it allows the body to cleanse and remove damaged proteins. If you have digestion problems, it is also salutary to put his body to rest.

Fear of fasting

Fear of hypoglycemia, not to eat or see its energy levels plummet is tameable. We must not start with a full day of fasting, but by shifting the schedule of the first meal for example!
From a physiological point of view, the ghrelin is hunger hormone. And the funny thing is that when eaten produces (so really the appetite comes with eating!), So stopping to eat for a few hours, we will arrive more easily keep hunger unintentionally!
We just ensure good hydration with unsweetened drinks when fasting. Warning: drinks containing aspartame make secrete insulin to the body, it's against-productive to drink.

The intermittent fasting protocols

There are different, the Leangains the Warrior Diet through diet Bulletproof ... Basically it is the fasting durations vary but the principle remains the same!
And if you want more information, the book is available Rémi on Amazon:

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