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By 14:39



There is a question that many of you who follow me for a few years on the internets have often asked myself, to which until today I never responded in detail.
"But Camille, you are no longer vegetarian? "
I've been vegetarian for more than two years, for ethical reasons.
I have many friends vegetarian & vegan who opened my eyes to the subject of animal welfare, particularly on breeding conditions.
Meanwhile, I read "Should we eat  animals?" Jonathan Safran Foer and saw the fabulous documentary "Forks over  knives" that have finished to convince me that becoming vegetarian was the cheapest choice and more human than I can do.

My first year of vegetarianism was very rich, I have completely learned to feed me (I had a catastrophic hygiene life at this point in my life), I learned to cook, to shop away from Giants of the food, and especially I started eating my vegetables. I found fantastic restaurants and especially full of new tastes (sprouted shoots! Kale! Kombucha!)
I especially learned to think for myself, and to be very vigilant about what I was putting in my body, and it radically changed my relationship with food. At that moment, I really thought I would never be required to eat again meat or fish.
My second year of vegetarianism was much more difficult. I started to do more sports, I lived hyper stressful situations, professionally and personally. My diet has been affected and I started to lose a lot of weight. In summary, I finished with depression start weighing 42 kilos while (my ideal weight is 10 kilos easily above). No anorexia, simply overtraining and a lot of stress that had led to this result.
A disastrous visit to occupational medicine and two blood tests later, I decided, with the support of my friends (Steeven thank you!), The best solution was to reintroduce the meat in my diet.
I started with white meat and fish, before reintroducing red meat and offal. I rapidly gained weight, I found my energy and good humor.
Yet I do not feed me at all as before:
1 / I source my food. I buy my meat from my butcher only organic market, the meat is very good, fed on grass and I consumes only 2-3 times a week. I am a psychopath of eggs and I almost eat more dairy products.
2 / Eat consisted of 70% to 80% of starchy vegetables and good for 20% to 30% of animal protein.Before vegetarianism, these proportions were completely reversed.
3 / I make very many vegetarian or vegan meals during the week.
4 / I always consumes all the awesome food that I discovered being vegetarian, it always happens that I eat tofu, seitan or to spirulina in my smoothies. I attend as often as before my favorite vegan restaurants.
5 / I am conscious of what I eat.
Omnivores Dilemma 2
I know that many people are not in tune with what life choices, it can be considered a "betrayal" or a weakness, when leaving the vegetarian vessel (see worse if you're vegan), and I think I put a lot of time to assume and be at peace with myself on this subject.
Then I read this book by Michael Pollan, "The Omnivore's  Dilemma" where a former activist of PETA became farmer, explains that the right choice if you want the animals are raised in a decent setting and killed in the most way human as possible, it is our duty to consume ethically meat.
I know that in time, there is no ideal solution, but I decided to give my voice in that sense, if you choose to eat meat, pay attention to its provenance and especially do not eat in excess.
And if you do not know where to buy organic meat:
I know that all vegetarians and vegans do not necessarily accept this lifestyle choice, so you are free to present your views in the comments, I'm open to debate and not necessarily sealed a return to vegetarianism 

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