I was fortunate to attend the conference organized by the Bioteam in the presence of Professor Henri Joyeux and Frédéric Boukobza, educational director of my school ISUPNAT.
Spoiler alert: I am a big fan of Professor Joyeux. To date, there is, in my opinion, very few doctors who put so much emphasis on the importance of diet and lifestyle in the prevention of disease, so it is with great respect that I was his work and lectures.
I found the intervention of Professor very fair and without waffling. Everything was presented factually, with a touch of humor and a lot of passion.
In summary, here are 10 points to remember:
The immune system of each of us is brilliantly organized: you have to trust him.
In a case of two cancer include poor eating habits.
We must stop abusing dairy products, which are not adapted to our digestive system, especially cow's milk. Better to focus milk from small animals (goats, sheep) in small quantities.
Physical exercise is essential for the human being, because thanks to perspiration is evacuated toxins lodged in fat.
The vegan diet can ultimately lead to poor health: cholesterol levels too low and chronic fatigue are good indicators. Better to be promoted vegetarianism veganism according to Professor Joyeux.
By cooking it deteriorates the nutritional quality of foods, the best cooking is that the soft steam (<90 °).
Honey & Propolis are good for health, and widely used in anti-cancer centers in Japan.
Soy is much too poorly assimilated and consumed in France. Must be consumed very little not see.
Gluten intolerance is often caused by poor quality seeds. Better to favor one organic bread and gluten free.
In summary, you must eat better & better, get moving and keep your spirits!
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