After a crazy night where you mixed pints of beer, tequila shots, or after a big meal at the restaurant with aperitif, wine and liqueur, the alarm can be extremely painful ...
When I started writing this article, my husband said, "Oh you plan to write a two-line item? You just put McDonalds? "And other friends said to swear by good old Greek fries with white sauce. So today I take my courage in tomorrow to break these preconceptions and tell you the whole truth about what to eat when you have a hangover.
Why was a hangover?
The main symptoms of a hangover; nausea, head aches, sensitivity to light and noise, cramps, diarrhea are caused by changes in body chemistry, especially hormonal changes and toxicity of the products contained in alcohol. A hangover is unfortunately not studied enough for my taste.
Although there is no single answer and empirical to the fundamental question of the diet for a hangover, it seems that there are foods that are better than others to revitalize the body after big cooked.
What to drink?
- Water: Alcohol dehydrates. The body having no water, it will recover the water available throughout the body including the brain and that is why we have migraine. It is important to drink water during the evening (ideal) before sleep (not bad), and the next morning (essential).
- Sports drinks & coconut water to charge the electrolyte body.
- From mint tea or herbal tea with ginger to reduce nausea.
- Fruit juices (excluding citrus juice) to recharge fructose and boost metabolism. A good fresh juice also can charge the body with vitamins & minerals.
What to eat?
- Fruits & vegetables: bananas, kiwi & spinach are shielded potassium which is removed by alcohol because of its diuretic effect. No courage to eat? This mix will make a great smoothie.
- Eggs: The eggs are full of amino acids such as cysteine and taurine. Taurine helps boost the liver while cysteine eliminates acetaldehyde, the chemical compound ethanol that causes headaches.
- Soup: miso soup or chicken broth, soups used to rehydrate the body and bring him sodium, while not crippling digestion.
- Rusks & honey: To increase the level of sugar in your blood if you are hypoglycemic. In addition, the honey will help the body to eliminate faster alcohol.
- Oat flakes: a bowl of oatmeal (! Not cooked raw) can charge the body nutrient such as vitamin B, calcium, magnesium and iron.
- Tomatoes: They contain lycopene, a potent antioxidant, as well as the fructose and vitamin C, they help the body to remove the alcohol. (PS: the Bloody Mary does not count)
What to do ?
- Rest: Ideally take a nap or sleep allow the body to recharge smoothly.
- Playing sports some hiking, a walk or yoga can help activate the metabolism and eliminate toxins from the alcohol. However, avoid violent sports and strength training.
- Make a mouthwash with oil
What Does not?
- Junk food: It is scientifically proven that it is better to eat the junk food cooked before after.Indeed a big fat burger before drinking will prevent the alcohol is absorbed through the stomach wall and thus to arrive directly in blood. Unfortunately eating the same thing the next morning can irritate the stomach, it is better to avoid.
- To fight evil with evil: do not drink again alcohol, it will lead to even greater dehydration of the body and the hangover will be worse within hours.
- Coffee, coca: Coffee (such as alcohol) is a diuretic, and therefore lead to an even greater dehydration of the body. Better to make a herbal tea, fruit or water juice.
- Orange juice: Citrus fruits can irritate a sensitive stomach, so we will focus vegetable juice or apple juice.
And you then, what's your little secret for hangover mornings?
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