Since I read a lot, and I get a lot of inspiration for the blog, I thought of this new section where I share my books this month.
If you have books to advise me, do not hesitate to leave your suggestions in the comments, I am always very curious!
1 / L are superfoods by Marie Laforet
I know Marie recent years, I have always been fascinated by his work as a photographer and I find that her blog is an incredible support for all people interested in vegan cuisine.
Already published author and recognized Marie explains in this new book that are the superfoods: foods whose nutrient density is very high and that contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein.
It talks about goji berries, garlic, spirulina, cabbage ... In all, there are 40 food information with surprising virtues! Everything is very educational and enjoyable to read.
Then (and this is the best part), this book is a book of recipes around superfoods, illustrated with wonderful pictures. It's simple, the book made me very hungry.
Recipes are easily achievable, and range from salad brussels sprouts, avocado and pomegranate, the rainbow pizza via chia pudding with red berries. There are also great tips about the lacto-fermentation, which gave me really want to make my own kefir!
2 / The Dictionary of Running by Mathieu Le Maux
The Dictionary of Running brings together everything you ever wanted to know about running.
Mathieu, head of the sports section in GQ, describes in alphabetical order the outstanding figures of running the Race essential such as beer or the bananas but also the genesis of the brand names. Asics example, we learn is the acronym for the phrase Latin Juvenal "A nima S ana I n Corpore S ano", French "a healthy mind in a healthy body".
Mathieu, head of the sports section in GQ, describes in alphabetical order the outstanding figures of running the Race essential such as beer or the bananas but also the genesis of the brand names. Asics example, we learn is the acronym for the phrase Latin Juvenal "A nima S ana I n Corpore S ano", French "a healthy mind in a healthy body".
The book is extremely well documented, it is a real hyper reference searched on the run.
The model is rather pretty and original, which makes it easy to read. In addition, by reading it, you can show off your evening with friends riders with lots of amazing stories!
In short, essential reading for all riders.
3 / Power Change by Professor Henri Joyeux
"Let your food be your medicine" Hippocrates said. This quote could sum up the whole intention behind the book by Professor Joyeux.
This book is a re-release (the 7th revised version & increased, the latest version dates from 2009).This shows the importance and popularity of this work oncologist, who is fighting tooth & nail to raise public awareness of the risks caused by a diet too rich, too changed and by too polluted environment.
Among the discussed subjects that fascinated me: How red meat increases the risk and recurrence of breast cancer and colon cancer? Why regular physical activity has anti-cancer, anti-aging and helps eliminate toxins that our environment makes us consume?
Everything is handled intelligently and factually, it's a big puff of culture and oxygen to the brain.
If you can, buy this book, the offer, in short, I think this book should be reimbursed by Social Security ...
Besides, I attended tonight at the Pr conference organized by the Happy Bioteam if you have any questions feel free to post them on the Facebook blog, I'll ask him tonight!
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