Well, it's my first test paleo pastry, raw, vegan and gluten free but I'm happy with the result, so I share the recipe with you! It's simple, quick to make & delicious.
The dough :
- 85 grams of dates Medjoul
- 75 grams of powdered nuts
- 30 grams coconut flour
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon agave syrup
Mixer and make 4 dough balls.
Cream :
- 25 cl of almond milk
- 4 tablespoons almond puree
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
Mixer & emulsify the robot or an electric grinder.
+ Preparing the fruit of your choice!
1. Shape 4 tartlets using the 4 pasta bowls and place them on a plate. Dig inside tarts to deposit the filling.
2. Extend the cream inside the tart.
3. Add the fruit & decorating your choice
Here: Raspberry & basil
4. Let stand in refrigerator for 2-3 hours before serving.
Enjoy your meal !
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