I do not like the word diet, and overall, I do not have amazing weight loss story to tell.
However, I can maintain a healthy weight by eating what I want, not counting my calories and eating out often enough.
Here are my 10 tips for everyday use to eat better without missing:
1. Take the stairs. In summary: Avoid elevators and escalators.
"You see those who stop to walk the escalators? Those who wear s'laissent by the system? It's the same voting Le Pen but are not racists. This is the same that make strikes to protest qu'les escalators will soon break down. The worst races! "
Hate - Mathieu Kassovitz
2. Use a smaller plate. Over the plate, the more it will tend to fill it, so you should use a dessert plate or soup to eat. Incredible as it may seem, the feeling of satiety can be controlled by thought.
3. Wait 15 minutes before being reused. In general, we quickly realized we were really hungry and that was just to binge.
4. Do not clean their plate. When you have more hungry, do not force. This is going against his body. So do not be afraid not to finish your dish, and especially ask you what your dish packs to win if you eat outside!
5. Exercise daily. Cycling, going to bathroom, make boxing, stretching or just walking 10,000 steps. In short, get moving!
6. Have accountable. Talk about your fitness challenges to everyone, open a blog, post to facebook, it will force you to keep you in your challenges be they sports or related to weight loss.
7. more. Drinking Water is a natural appetite suppressant. So more water or less of beer (including me!). We bought a nice bottle if needed, I love those korwater.
8. Keep a food diary. I have already spoken, keep a journal allows you to be more aware of what we put on his plate. A newspaper can be used, such as an app myplate or make a Instragram account or Tumblr dedicated.
9. Hide the candy & sweets in the cupboards (see ideally not buy it at all). We want to eat what we have before us, so we hideout sweets and only one puts fruit in transparent bowls, home & office.
10. Learn to meditate. To learn how to control the way we eat, we must learn to control his thoughts. It's proven, meditation can help weight loss, so still a good reason to get started!
And you then? What are your tips for better eating?
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